
* English sentences are below. Please click "here"



※事前に配布させて頂いております広告HUD【オブジェクト名:2015 MIZU (wear Me】でのスクリプトチェックでは、アトラクションHUDを会場で装着する事を考慮し1Mbyteを上限とし、広告HUDのスクリプト値を含まない状態で測定しています。


ご自身のスクリプトの確認は 以下の要領で出来ます。




・描写距離 288以上
・シェーダー ON 



SIMには人数制限があります。混雑時は、しばらく時間を置いてご来場ください。 ご協力をお願いいたします。

For enjoying this event, we have a script limitation which max size is 3072kb/3MB.
When you come to our event, please all your attachment should be under 1728kb.
It does not included the HUD for gaming which names 【MIZU_HUD(1344kb)】.

*You can get gaming HUD from notification board at entrance in MIZU event.
This is how you can check your script size.

*A script checker from the advertisig HUD which names 【2015 MIZU (wear Me】from advertising posters  is able to measure with your script as max size 1Mbyte and the number of the script you wear is not included the script of 【2015 MIZU (wear Me】.

*Contens of the Advertisig HUD 【2015 MIZU (wear Me】can only use for annoucement to our event so please take Advertising HUD off when you come to our event.

World- >Open ”About Land Window- >Click Script Info Botton- >Select ”Avatar” Tab- >Click Refresh List Botton


We recommends...

・Draw distance is more than 288.
・Maximum particle should be more than 256.
・Active with your basic/atmospheric shaders.
・Active with all your sound.

And there are also favors as follows:
Please do not...

・Put any face/beauty lights.
・When you shop at shopping are, please take off your MIZU_HUD.
* MIZU_HUD sometimes causes blurred your vision.

There is a limit on the number of people in this SIM.
If SIM was full, please try to come back later.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but I appreciate your cooperation.